AB and SK shipping is halted until weather is -5C and above.
Current order processing delay is 1 - 2 weeks.
We guarantee the safe arrival of your orchids, always.
Winter Shipping
Winter shipping is now in effect for most regions, which may lead to slight delays in the fulfillment of your order.
Shipping will be halted for the holiday season at the latest on December 11th. We will resume shipping on a weather dependent basis on January 6th.
We only ship if the weather is above -5C minimum, if the weather forecast has no suitable temperatures ahead, your order will be held until such temperatures are available.
Ctsm. Dentigrianum 'Very Nice' x Ctsm. Chuck Taylor 'SVO Sunshine'
Ctsm. Diana's Dots 'Super Good' x Ctsm. Dreamboat 'Dreamy'
Ctsm. Diana's Dots 'SVO' x Ctsm. Diana's Dots 'Bold Spots'
Ctsm. Diana's Dots (Ctsm. tigrinum 'Wyche' HCC/AOS x Ctsm. Orchidglade 'Green Apple' AM/AOS)
Ctsm. Donna Wise 'Lee' HCC/AOS x Ctsm. John C. Burchett 'Ursa Major' FCC/AOS
Ctsm. Double Down 'BPYL' x Ctsm. Fonsera Alfaro 'SVO'
Ctsm. Double Down 'BPYL' x Ctsm. Joseito's Moonlight 'Dark Petals Yellow Lip'
Ctsm. Double Down 'BPYL' x Ctsm. Valerio Padilla 'Burgundy & Gold'
Ctsm. ivaneae 'Purple Fantasy' x Ctsm. Orchidglade 'Davie Ranches' AM/AOS
Ctsm. ivaneae 'Purple Fantasy' x Ctsm. tigrinum 'SVO'
Ctsm. ivaneae (Ctsm. ivaneae 'Aceitunas Negras' x Ctsm. ivaneae 'Purple Fantasy')
Ctsm. Melana Davison 'Bomb Shell' x Ctsm. Mem. Darrel John 'White Lip'
Ctsm. Melana Davison 'Bomb Shell' x Ctsm. Orchidglade 'Davie Ranches' AM/AOS
Ctsm. Melana Davison 'Foxtail' x Ctsm. Dark Odyssey 'SVO Dark Night'
Ctsm. Melana Davison 'Hoorah' x Ctsm. Extravaganza 'Killer Lips'
Ctsm. Melana Davison 'Hoorah' x Ctsm. John C. Burchett 'Ursa Major' FCC/AOS
Ctsm. Melana Davison 'Summer Snow' x Ctsm. (Dentigrinum x tigrinum) 'Bold Spots'
Ctsm. Melana Davison 'Summer Snow' x Ctsm. Dorothy Wells 'Honey Tree'
Ctsm. Melana Davison 'Summer Snow' x Ctsm. Norm Tupper 'SVO Snow Leopard'
Ctsm. Mem. Dorotlhy Wells 'Silver & Gold' x Ctsm. Diana's Dots 'By Far The Best'
Ctsm. Penang 'Doubloons x Ctsm. Chuck Taylor 'SVO Sunshine'
Ctsm. Penang 'Doubloons x Ctsm. Dentigrianum 'Love This Flower'
Ctsm. pileatum 'SVO Independence' x Ctsm. pileatum 'Dinner Plate'
Ctsm. pileatum v. imperale 'Pierre Couret' HCC/AOS x Ctsm. Chuck Taylor 'SVO Sunshine'