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Cl. rosea 'Andy' x Cl. rosea 'Collected'


SVO 11282 - 3'' pot, Blooming Size.

Notes from the breeder:

This is a well-known but rarely available small-growing Clowesia species from the slopes facing the Pacific Ocean in the Mexican states of Michoacán and Oaxaca. This species flowers in early winter on deciduous leafless bulbs that produce 3-4 pendulous inflorescences carrying 15 or more soft pink flowers with cute frilly lips. Cl. rosea 'Collected' is truly an outstanding cultivar, and Cl. rosea 'Andy' is an excellent grower and reliable bloomer with remarkable plant vigor and floriferousness. This pairing will give the best quality flowers ever seen in this species. VERY LIMITED PLANT AVAILABILITY

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Cl. rosea 'Andy' x Cl. rosea 'Collected'
