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Clowesia Rebecca Northen (Cl. rosea 'Collected' x Cl. Grace Dunn 'Live Oak' HCC/AOS)


SVO 11255 - 3'' pot, Blooming Size.

Notes from the breeder:

Cl. rosea 'Collected' exhibits good flower quality and blooms profusely in early winter on deciduous bulbs with 3-4 pendulous inflorescences per bulb, each carrying 15 or more soft pink flowers with frilly lips. Cl. Grace Dunn (warczewitzii x rosea) 'Live Oak' produces 15 fragrant pink and green flowers with cute frilly lips on 3-4 pendulous inflorescences from each leafless bulb in mid-winter.  These will quite possibly be the best Cl. Rebecca Northens ever produced. Flowers will be carried on multiple pendent inflorescences and will be frilly and pink with a marvelous citrus fragrance.

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Clowesia Rebecca Northen (Cl. rosea 'Collected' x Cl. Grace Dunn 'Live Oak' HCC/AOS)
