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Ctsm. Double Down 'BPYL' x Ctsm. Fonsera Alfaro 'SVO'


SVO 11060 - 3'' pot, Blooming Size.

Notes from the breeder:

Ctsm. Double Down (Ctsm. Chuck Taylor x Ctsm. kleberianum) 'BPYL' is named for its Black Petals and  Yellow Lip, Its excellent color plus 15-17 flowers on a stem twice a year make this a good candidate as a parent. Fonseca Alfaro (Ctsm. Dentigrianum x Ctsm. tenebrosum) also has a yellow lip with dark petals and sepals - we love this contrasting color combination! With this cross we will further develop the potential to have flowers with black petals and sepals with yellow lips. Along with the amazing color, expect flowers of excellent shape, flat lips, and 15-20 blooms per stem several times a year. 

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Ctsm. Double Down 'BPYL' x Ctsm. Fonsera Alfaro 'SVO'
