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Pot. Naomi's Delight (Pot. Sun Spots 'SVO Best' x Slc. Katherine Clarkson 'SVO' HCC/AOS)


SVO 10206 - 3'' pot, Blooming Size.

Notes from the breeder:

The parents of Sun Spots (C. Mark Jones x Blc. SunCoast Sunspots) and Katherine Clarkson (C. Mark Jones x Slc. Jungle Gem) are replete with spots. Naomi's Delight produces beautiful yellow flowers with bold red spots and great shape on a compact plant. This cross can also produce plants that will bloom with as many as 8 flowers per stem. This is “next level” breeding, and there is lots of potential for “best yet seen” results from this cross.

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Pot. Naomi's Delight (Pot. Sun Spots 'SVO Best' x Slc. Katherine Clarkson 'SVO' HCC/AOS)
