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SVO 10712 Cl. Rebecca Northen (Cl. Grace Dunn 'Chadds Ford' AM/AOS x Cl. rosea 'Fantastic Andy')


2.5" pot, Blooming Size

Notes from the breeder:

In this remake of Cl. Rebecca Northen, we have used the best possible parents. Cl. Grace Dunn (warczewitzii x rosea) 'Chadds Ford' produces 15 fragrant pink and green flowers with cute frilly lips on 3-4 pendulous inflorescences from each leafless bulb in mid-winter. Cl. rosea 'Fantastic Andy' is truly an outstanding cultivar, exhibiting the best quality flowers I have seen on this species. It blooms profusely in early winter on deciduous bulbs with 3-4 pendulous inflorescences per bulb, each carrying 15 or more soft pink flowers with frilly lips. These will quite possibly be the best Cl. Rebecca Northens ever produced. Flowers will be carried on multiple pendent inflorescences and will be frilly and pink with a marvelous citrus fragrance.

SVO 10712 Cl. Rebecca Northen (Cl. Grace Dunn 'Chadds Ford' AM/AOS x Cl. rosea 'Fantastic Andy')
