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SVO 9389 (Pot. Dream Circle 'SVO' AM/AOS x Pot. Ryo Iwata 'Leucadia' HCC/AOS)


3" pot, Blooming Size.

Notes from the breeder:

Dream Circle (Slc. Circle of Life x Pot. Hisako Akatsuka) has earned 12 AOS quality awards to date and is known for producing excellent offspring. Plants mature at 10” tall and produce beautifully-formed 4-5” flowers twice a year. Ryo Iwata (Blc. Oconee x Pot. Sally Taylor) has the dark red-purple flowers of a standard Cattleya. Here we are looking to develop flowers with shape and size that will resemble those of large, standard-sized Cattleyas. However, plants from this cross will only be 10-12” tall. Flowers will be 5-6” across in dark purple-red with a very dark crimson lip.

SVO 9389 (Pot. Dream Circle 'SVO' AM/AOS x Pot. Ryo Iwata 'Leucadia' HCC/AOS)
