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Nous expédions tant que la température minimale est supérieure à -5 °C.

File d'attente pour l'expéditon est de 1 à 2 semaines

Nous garantissons l'arrivée en toute sécurité de vos orchidées, toujours.

Vanda denisoniana 'White'


Grown barerooted in 4" plastic basket.

This is a large size plant which might generate inaccurate shipping quotes at checkout (can be too high or too low). We can normally fit 2-3 large Vanda or 1-2 large Vanda with a few medium size plants in a box that would cost approximately 55$ for overnight shipping by air to most cities across Canada. Shipping to most of Ontario and Quebec should be around 25$. We will always automatically refund any excess shipping fees paid when fulfilling orders.


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Vanda denisoniana 'White'
