Cl. Grace Dunn 'Live Oak' HCC/AOS x Morm. rosea 'SVO'
- Description
SVO 11178 - 3'' pot, Blooming Size.
Notes from the breeder:
Cl. Grace Dunn (warczewitzii x rosea) 'Live Oak' produces 15 fragrant pink and green flowers with cute frilly lips on 3-4 pendulous inflorescences from each leafless bulb in mid-winter. A single pseudobulb of Morm. rosea can produce 8 inflorescences carrying 25 flowers each for a total of 200 flowers. Now *that* is impressive!! In Mormodia breeding, the Mormodes is dominant for color and the Clowesia for shape, and this will result in the flowers of this cross being pink. Mature plants will flower with an impressive 5-6 inflorescences per bulb and 15+ flowers on each, a very floriferous grex. As with all Mormodias they will bloom in December with long-lived flowers.
Cl. Grace Dunn 'Live Oak' HCC/AOS x Morm. rosea 'SVO'
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