Most orders already placed will be shipped by 03-26
Due to high demand, current order processing delay is approximately 2 weeks
We guarantee the safe arrival of your orchids, always.
Winter Shipping
We only ship if the weather is above -5C minimum, if the weather forecast has no suitable temperatures ahead, your order will be held until such temperatures are available.
Most orders already placed will be shipped within the next week. For all new orders, please expect 1-2 weeks delay. Heatpacks are required until night time temperature is above 10°C.
Rhynchovola David Sander
Cattleya Peckaviensis
Brassavola perrinii
Cattleya Itsy Bitsy 'Diamond Orchdis'
Encyclia boothiana
SVO 9896 C. aurantiaca (C. aurantiaca 'SVO Spots' x C. aurantiaca 'SVO Spots 2')
Brassavola nodosa tipo
Lc. Mini Purple v. coerulea '4n' x C. mossiae f. coerulea '4n'
Blc. Waikiki Jungle 'SVO' x Blc. Lots of Spots 'Ruben's Find'
C. Mark Jones 'Lance' x C. Chocolate Drop 'SVO' AM/AOS
C. Nancy Jane Losgar (C. Mark Jones 'Lance' x C. Caudebec 'Linwood' AM/AOS)
C. Nancy Jane Losgar (C. Caudebec 'Linwood' AM/AOS x C. Mark Jones 'Lance')
Slc. Mem. Evelyn Paquette 'SVO' x Blc. Sun Spots 'Tan Man Spots'
Brassavola nodosa 'Panama Soire'
Brassavola fragrans / tuberculata
C. Indigo Valentine 'Blueness' x Lc. Mini Purple f. 'coerulea 4N'
Lc. Mini Purple v. Coerulea '4N' x Rlc. Blue Design 'Huge Blue'
C. Valentine 'Billy Baker' HCC/AOS x Lc. Floralia's Azul 'Sandra'AM/AOS
Pot. Naomi's Delight (Pot. Sun Spots 'SVO Best' x Slc. Katherine Clarkson 'SVO' HCC/AOS)
Brassocattleya Jairak Little Star
Gur. aurantiaca f. aurea x sib.
Rhynchovola Jimminey Cricket (B. nodosa × Rl. digbyana)