AB and SK shipping is halted until weather is -5C and above.
Current order processing delay is 1 - 2 weeks.
We guarantee the safe arrival of your orchids, always.
Winter Shipping
Winter shipping is now in effect for most regions, which may lead to slight delays in the fulfillment of your order.
Shipping will be halted for the holiday season at the latest on December 11th. We will resume shipping on a weather dependent basis on January 6th.
We only ship if the weather is above -5C minimum, if the weather forecast has no suitable temperatures ahead, your order will be held until such temperatures are available.
SVO 10119 Den. Willette Klausner Super Nova (Den. Regal Gillieston 'SVO' x Den. Aussie Parade 'Carrot Splash' AM/AOS)
SVO 10130 (Den. Regal Gilleston 'SVO' x Den. Dunokalya 'Tuyet' AM/AOS)
SVO 10231 (Cl. dodsoniana 'Steven Moffit' x self)
SVO 10279 (Ctsm. ivaneae 'Purple Fantasy' x Ctsm. ivaneae '#2')
SVO 10396 Gal. greenwoodiana 'SVO Purple Lip' x Ctsm. denticulatum 'Orange Lip')
SVO 10407 Ctsm. tenebrosum (Ctsm. tenebrosum 'Jim' AM/AOS x Ctsm. tenebrosum 'Boogie Man')
SVO 10408 Ctsm. Maquiabelo (Ctsm. tenebrosum 'Jim' AM/AOS x Ctsm. ivaneae 'Purple Fantasy')
SVO 10524 (Ctsm. Isobel's Sunshine 'SVO' x Ctsm. Double Down 'BPYL')
SVO 10525 (Ctmds. Darkonium 'Ebony Beauty' FCC/AOS x Ctsm. Orchidglade 'Davie Ranches' AM/AOS)
SVO 10528 (Cl. dodsoniana 'SVO' x Ctsm. expansum 'Fantastic Spots')
SVO 10529 (Ctsm. John C. Burchett 'Ursa Major' FCC/AOS x Ctsm. Ryan Harrington 'Best of the Best')
SVO 10530 (Cl. dodsoniana 'SVO' x Ctsm. tigrinum 'SVO')
SVO 10531 Ctsm. Dreamboat (Ctsm. Penang 'Sweetheart' AM/AOS x Ctsm. Chuck Taylor 'SVO Sunshine' AM/AOS)
SVO 10535 Cl. russelliana (Cl. russelliana 'SVO' x Cl. russelliana 'David N')
SVO 10536 Ctsm. spitzii (Ctsm. spitzii 'Red 48' x self)
SVO 10543 Ctmds. Dragons Glade (Ctmds. Dragons Tail 'Dark Tale' x Ctsm. Orchidglade 'Jack of Diamonds' AM/AOS)
SVO 10548 Ctmds. Dragons Glade (Ctmds. Dragon's Tail 'Dark Tale' x Ctsm. Orchidglade 'Davie Ranches' AM/AOS)
SVO 10558 Cycd. Spotted Hornet (Cyc. warscewiczii 'SVO Jumbo Swan' AM/AOS x Morm. Exotic Treat 'SVO Orange')
SVO 10565 Cyc. Richard Brandon (Cyc. warscewiczii 'SVO Jumbo Swan' AM/AOS x Cyc. Jean E. Monnier 'Dark Swan')
SVO 10566 (Morm. andreettae 'SVO' AM/AOS x Morm. badia 'Yellow')
SVO 10571 (Cyc. warscewiczii 'World Class' x Morm. Aftermath 'SVO Nuclear Fallout' AM/AOS)
SVO 10578 (Ctsm. juruenense 'SVO 40' x Ctsm. semicirculatum 'The Best One')
SVO 10579 Cyc. pentadactylon (Cyc. pentadactylon 'H&R' x Cyc. pentadactylon 'Dr. John Doherty' AM/AOS)
SVO 10585 Ctsm. Louise Clarke (Ctsm. Donna Wise 'Kathleen' AM/AOS x Ctsm. Susan Fuchs 'Burgundy Chips' FCC/AOS)