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SVO 10605 (Ctsm. Diana's Dots 'Spectacular' x Ctsm. Dentigrianum 'SVO Excellence')


2.5" pot, Blooming Size

Notes from the breeder:

The hybrid Ctsm. Diana's Dots (Ctsm. Orchidglade x Ctsm. tigrinum) combines the large flower size of Ctsm. Orchidglade and superior shape of tigrinum. It has the best-shaped pure Catasetum flowers in our entire collection. Check out the photo: fantastic full petals and sepals, and stunning shape. The flowers of Ctsm. Dentigrianum (denticulatum x tigrinum) have excellent shape imparted by the tigrinum and dark spotting from denticulatum. Both parents flower 2-3 times a season with 15-25 flowers. This hybrid is doubling up on the good flower shape imparted by the tigrinum grandparent.  Most flowers will be light yellow with a peppering of spots, and some will be covered with bold burgundy blotches. Easy to grow and flower.

SVO 10605 (Ctsm. Diana's Dots 'Spectacular' x Ctsm. Dentigrianum 'SVO Excellence')
